Hyperlocal Advertising

Locally relevant ads that add value


Relevant Ads from underserved advertisers

Serve ads that are actually relevant to users, and allow local advertisers to enter a market that they seldom have access to.


Up to 20x higher RPMs from locally targeted ads

Increase your RPMs by showing locally relevant ads from doctors, gyms, schools, and more.


Bring your print advertisers onboard

Handhold print advertisers that you already have a relationship with and bring them online.

How It Works

Geo-location points obtained through interactives

Collect coordinates of users over time when they use our location-based embeds

Users' work and home locations estimated by AI

Our AI automatically estimates users' home and work areas, based on the geo-coordinates they share.

Advertisers target users using an automated targeting wizard

Advertisers use our Facebook-like ad wizars to bid for an advertising space to users.

Users are served locally-relevant ads

Users see locally relevant ads when they visit your site if a bid has been placed for such ads. If it hasn't, they see ads enabled by default instead.

Image Description

Hyperlocal Ads

  • 🗸 Work seamlessly across all devices
  • 🗸 Actively add value for users, publishers, and advertisers
  • 🗸 Reach out to local advertisers that have limited choices to advertise online
Contact us to know more