
Add rich context to your stories in seconds


Add amazing visuals - no coding required

Add amazing visuals to your stories—no coding or wrangling with your tech team requried.


Supercharge your research as you search for stories

Visually search for charts, graphs, and interactives instead of droning through reams of data.


Annotate pre-existing charts to add your own touch

Monitor performance in real-time and optimize your content immediately for different devices and browsers.

How It Works

You add our lightweight javascript snippet on your site

Install our lightweight, 6.5kb javascript snippet on your site. This will automatically populate your story with an interactive when you choose to add one.

Search for an interactive from our database of more than 10,000

Search for relevant interactive(s) in our database, and simply add them to your story through our intuitive CMS - no wrangling with tech required

Add your own annotations or change colors, if needed

If you want to customize the appearance or content of an interactive, you can always add your edit an existing one using our remix feature.

Image Description

Add rich context to your stories

  • 🗸 Embed visualizations in your stories - no wrangling with tech required
  • 🗸 Customize the visualizations, if you want to
  • 🗸 Change the visualizations anytime you want
Contact us to know more